Trail Reports

Below is a list of trail reports from our Trail Bosses. Check back often to view conditions, closings, and any other updates. If you have a trail update that you'd like to share with our club, please use the contact form below and submit your feedback to our Trail Bosses so we can help spread the word.

Trail Report - open

Trail Conditions:
Date of Report:
Thursday, February 2, 2023

2 /02/2023

B &B Joyriders trails are in Fair to good condition this week.  The fields heading to Suring are thin, also the Klondike trail and to White Potato is thin. The trails in the woods are good condition but have some icy spots. The pipe line trail 12 from INT 409 to Hwy 64  is half groomed do to wet areas, but may get groomed this week for the first time. We also have logging on the trail 10 west of Kelly Lake to INT 415; but it's only ¼ of a mile long. The groomers will be out Friday night this week. Remember this is like early season riding in some spots.  So be careful of the groomers on the trails and slow down, save the snow, and ride safe.

Trail Report - fair

Trail Conditions:
Date of Report:
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

1 /24/2023

B &B Joyriders trails are in Fair to good condition this week.  The fields heading to Suring are getting thin, also the Klondike trail and to White Potato is thin. There is a wet spot just south of White Potato so beware of it. The trails in the woods are good condition but have some icy spots. The pipe line trail 12 from INT 409 to Hwy 64 is half groomed do to wet areas. We also have logging on the trail 10 west of Kelly Lake to INT 415; they have it stripped down to the ice on the trail but it's only ¼ of a mile long. The groomers will be out as needed this week. Remember this is early season riding we only had 6”of snow. So be careful of the groomers on the trails and slow down, save the snow, and ride safe.

Trail Report - open

Trail Conditions:
Date of Report:
Thursday, January 19, 2023


B&B Joyriders trails will open Friday 1/20/2023 at 9:00AM. We received 6”of wet snow Thursday. The trails were unable to be groomed; we need the snowmobiles to pack them down first. The trails have a very icy base under the snow. Thursday night, when we tried to groom, the snow was getting pushed off of the icy trials. This is the reason why we need to get it packed down first. Remember this is like very early season riding and try to keep the snow on the trails. The groomers will be going out Saturday night.                                                      

Trail Report - closed

Trail Conditions:
Date of Report:
Thursday, December 15, 2022

B&B Joyriders trails received 3 to 4" of wet heavy snow Wednesday night with a lot of rain before the snow. We do have some trees and branches laying across the trails that needs to be cleaned up. If anybody is willing to go out on the trails with their atv or tracks to clean up some of the trees and branches, that would be helpful to get the trails ready to open someday. 
